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IN FOCUS WOMEN IN PROFILE - Vicki-Louise White, Perth, Australia

What sparked your interest in photography?

To be honest, I’m not really sure, it just happened.

I struggled with some years darkened by grief following a few traumatic incidents. I

eventually went on a holiday with friends in South Australia and was standing on a

bowling green, there was the most beautiful purple sunset so I took a photo on my

iPhone and something clicked, literally.

Once I started, my interest just grew and I have spent almost every spare moment

since shooting, studying photos and reading articles, just learning. I look back on my

early shots and am horrified I shared them on Instagram but they are me, they are

my journey, so I leave them there.

How long have you been shooting for?

Since early 2016, I initially started with an iPhone and managed to score 2 years of

honourable mentions in the International iPhone Photography Awards and the

Australian Photography Awards. I used an app that allowed me to shoot in RAW with

full manual control and the NISI filters for mobile.

In early 2018 I started to notice the Iphone was holding me back with what I wanted

to shoot. I purchased a mirrorless camera in mid-2019 and am having so much fun


What is your favourite type of photography?

Landscape although too be honest, as long as there is water or a sun I am happy. I

love shooting in the water as well and am slowly getting my in-waves confidence up.

I recently learnt Astrophotography on a Dream Photography Workshop in October

2019 and I have to say I am completely hooked. Shooting the stars is such a

humbling experience.

I have been dabbling in commercial photography as part of my marketing role at

work and food photography as part of my social media management role.

What is in your camera bag?

Nikon Z6 – with (my super new) Nikkor 14-30 F4 Lens that I am loving.

I recently upgraded to the the Sirui W-2204 Carbon Fibre Waterproof Tripod which

is so sturdy and easy to set up.

I am bit if a Nisi fan and have gathered a few: NiSi 100x100mm Natural Night Filters

(light pollution Filter), NiSi 82mm Ti Enhanced CPL Circular Polarizer Filter , NiSi

100x100mm Nani IR Neutral Density filter - ND8 (0.9) - 3 stop, Nisi Nano IR Medium

Graduated Neutral Density Filter – GND8 (0.9) – 3 Stop

I also have the GoPro Hero 8 & Dome for those wave and water shots – they

produce some amazingly clear shots – I’m not game enough to take my Z6 in the

water just yet, even with the best housing!

What would your dream kit be?

Nikon Z8……? & Nikkor 14-30 F2.8 Lens. I do love my Z6 and for a first timer it is so

easy to use and versatile.

What software do you use to process your images?

I use Adobe Lightroom and Nik Collection – I love the control and gentle editing with

Viveza within Nik Collection. I have photoshop but don’t really use it for editing shots.

Who are you top 3 photography inspirations?

The late Dale Sharpe is my biggest inspiration, I spent hours on end watching his

Instagram BTS and studying his shots to learn about composition, he was a massive

influence in my choice to switch to Z6. He has shaped my photography and I will

forever be in his debt. Dale’s photography is simply mind blowing.

Hamish Stubbs for his talent and his mentorship, he has answered some pretty

dumb questions from me without judgement. His landscape shots are just amazing.

Meaghan Maloney – Meaghan should be New Zealand’s tourism ambassador! Her

captures are simply beautiful and gentle.

What are you top 3 bucket list locations you want to shoot?

Iceland to shoot the Northern Lights, I just can’t wait to witness the beauty in real life,

I’m also looking forward to seeing snow for the first time.

New Zealand, I spent time on the North Island 20 years ago and want to go back

(South as well) to capture the beauty through a lens.

The Kimberley in Australia, Boab trees and Astro! I also want to capture the

contrasting landscape up there.

What are you social media handles?

Facebook @vlwphotographyperth

Instagram @vlwphotography


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